I wanna be a supermodel
Imagine you have walked into a café with a
friend. You glance around at the people
at the other tables as you enter. Some
are mums with loud kids, there’s a group of men in suits having a meeting;
others are quiet older women with books, or students with laptops. These people are just like you and so you
feel comfortable around them. But how
would you feel if everyone there was a supermodel? If you are like me, you’d probably turn
around and go to the café next door where you fit in, right?
If I feel that intimidated by people who
are better than me; how much more should I be intimidated by the total
perfection of God. His perfection
highlights my faults like a magnifying glass highlights a stain on a garment. That’s bad news. Now if one of the supermodels in the café got
up and invited you to sit at her table you would be saved from the humiliation
of awkwardly leaving. Your attitude
would shift from “well it’s nice for you that you’re incredibly beautiful” to “wow,
what have I done to deserve such kindness from someone who is clearly better
than me?” In the same way Jesus embraced
you when you clearly did not match up to God’s standard.
Awesome one... never crossed my mind...