Joshua’s death is noted in ch.2 but sadly less than 2 generations later the people of Israel no longer know the Lord and serve the Baals etc. As a consequence God allows the other nations in the land to plunder them and finally they cry out to the Lord in distress so God sends them judges—great men to lead them and defeat their enemies. And like the future kings of Israel, the Judges are a mixed bunch; some are faithful to the Lord, many are not...
Honour Roll:
Deborah, a prophetess (ch 4-5)is a high point in Judges, she was faithful to the Lord and the only judge who acted like the judges Moses’ appointed to help him. Her song of praise to the Lord for victory is recorded in ch. 5.

Jephthah: By the time of Jephthah knowledge of the character of God and his law was at an all time low. (ch 11) Jephthah sacrificed his daughter to the Lord [which is expressly forbidden in the law] and he didn’t know that vows made to the Lord can be taken back (Lev. 27).

After Samson things deteriorated rapidly into wickedness of the like not seen since Sodom (ch 19), idolatry and eventually civil war. The people who were sent to drive out the foreigners and their customs so detested by the Lord have become worse than them.

They needed a saviour king! The writer of Judges is referring to the kings to come, that Israel would be more faithful with a king to lead them but he is also prophesying that Israel needs an ultimate king to change their hearts...
And many generations after Samson and the other judges He came! Jesus Christ! (Heb 1). The promised king from the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7). A unique king who was also a prophet (one who brings the word of the Lord to the people) who leads his people not by the sword but humbles himself and serves them. Who brings them good news of his kingdom which transcends all earthly kingdoms and goes on forever (Luke 6:20-26, 7:20-28) (Revelation 22).
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