Tuesday 31 December 2013

New year, same you.....

Happy new years! I'm tempted to make new years resolutions, until I remember one thing. There is no difference between me at 11.59pm last night and me at 12.01 this morning. A new year isn't a new me. I'm still the same person, prone to the same mistakes, the same idolatry and sinfulness. I'm a sinner, and trying harder wont change it. I still deserve the consequences of the things I fail daily to correct. But there is one who had no need for resolutions- there is one who was perfect and had nothing to correct. And this perfect man- Jesus, swapped his status as perfect with my status as imperfect so that I wouldn't have to rely on my own ability to improve and perfect myself. I don't need new years resolutions. I don't need to do better and try harder to please God, because he is already perfectly pleased with me through what Jesus has done. So here is my main thought as we head into a new year: Trust in Christ and what he has done, not what we do.

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